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The only thing better than making podcasts is making them in a room with YOU! There will be jokes galore. Here are our upcoming performances and events.

DDR @ Twenty Sided Store (May 18, 2019)

The hosts of Join the Party try a new kind of D&D live show—and it’s kind of a secret. Featuring special guest Mike Schubert of HORSE and Potterless! (Tickets here)



PodX - Nashville, TN (June 1-2, 2019)

  • Saturday June 1, 2:00 PM: “Playing for a Better World: How Games Makes Us Better Creators.” Games are easier than ever to pick up and play. But they're more than hitting the high score or publicly destroying your friends. They're creative exercises, engines for change, and sneaky ways to learn a hell of a lot about yourself. Hear how these creators play video games and tabletop RPGs to jumpstart their creative minds and figure out how to make 2019 a better place to be. (Tickets here)

  • Saturday June 1, 4:40 PM: “DDR - Dungeons and Dragons in Reality.” A live improv show powered by D&D! Instead of high fantasy, each person will play themselves with their own abilities and special items. Can the players make it out of the crazed Dungeon Master's escape room in time, or will they be trapped when the clock runs out? It's an actual play podcast that everyone can enjoy. (Tickets here)

  • Sunday June 2, 11:20 AM: “It’s Never Too Late: Learning, Growing & Fixing Mistakes After Launch (Presented by Multitude).” Pre-production doesn’t stop just because your show is out! The internet may be forever, but you can fix mistakes and improve your show with aplomb and grace. Multitude spells out the best way to grow after your launch and tweak the present so you’re set up for the future. (Tickets here)

Get 10% off your tickets at!



Multitude Live at the Bell House in NYC (June 21, 2019)

See Multitude Live at the Bell House: 8 PM on June 21, 2019! Your favorite podcast hosts from Potterless, Spirits, Join the Party and HORSE are joining forces for a night of hilarity, storytelling, and 90s pop culture references. See the podcasts you love IRL and fall for new live-show-exclusive segments. It’s the best thing for your ears since those hats with earflaps!

The show is 18+ and will last 90 minutes. Get your tickets at this link.



Podcast Movement in Orlando (August 13-16, 2019)

Multitude hosts will be on several panels and host a special live show at Podcast Movement in Orlando. Grab your tickets on their website, and stay tuned for details about a public meetup we’ll be hosting that week!



Multitude Live at CitySpace in Boston (October 10, 2019)

See Multitude Live at CitySpace in Boston: 8 PM on October 10, 2019! Just like the NYC show, this will feature segments from podcasts you love as well as live-show-exclusive programming. Every Multitude Live night is different, so if you’re thinking about attending both the NYC and Boston shows, you will see new material!

The show is all ages and will last 90 minutes. Get your tickets at this link.


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